Road to nowhere oracle deck
Road to nowhere oracle deck

There are two legends connected with the vulture. If one assumes that the Tarot is of Egyptian origin, one may suppose that Mat (this card being the key card of the whole pack) really stands for Maut, the vulture goddess, who is an earlier and more sublime modification of the idea of Nuith than Isis. But there is another, or (one might say) a complementary, theory. In the medieval pack, the title of the card is Le Mat, adapted from the Italian Matto, madman or fool the propriety of this title will be considered later.

road to nowhere oracle deck

It is the equation of the Universe, the initial and final balance of the opposites Air, in this card, therefore quintessentially means a vacuum. It represents therefore the Negative above the Tree of Life, the source of all things. The really important feature of this card is that its number should be 0. It is the first of the three Mother letters, Aleph, Mem, and Shin, which correspond in various interwoven fashions with all the triads that occur in these cards, notably Fire, Water, Air Father, Mother, Son Sulphur, Salt, Mercury Rajas, Sattvas and Tamas. This card is attributed to the letter Aleph, which means an Ox, but by its shape the Hebrew letter (so it is said) represents a ploughshare thus the significance is primarily Phallic. De Herba Sanctissima Arabica De Quibusdam Mysteriis, Quae Vidi De Quodam Modo Meditationis Sequitur De Hac Re Conclusio De Hoc Modo Sanctitatis De Via Sola Solis.

road to nowhere oracle deck

De Sapientia et Stultitia De Oraculo Summo

road to nowhere oracle deck

  • The Crocodile (Mako, Son of Set, or Sebek).
  • The “Green Man” of the Spring Festival, “April Fool,” The Holy Ghost.

  • Road to nowhere oracle deck