Susan miller gemini astrology
Susan miller gemini astrology


But ultimately, we just don’t know how it works. We have empirical evidence that astrology works, and there are theories as to why, like perhaps certain planetary activity imprints on a baby’s brain when it’s born. But this is an ancient science stretching back to Mesopotamia, 2,500 BC, and still it’s relevant. P: How easy is it to argue astrological logic with someone who doesn’t believe in your profession? You must face a fair degree of scepticism. About ten years back, when I used to write a column for the Daily News, they tried to make me sign a contract when Mercury was in retrograde, and of course I refused. S: Yes – say when Mercury goes 27.5 degrees ahead, the sun yanks him back. P: And retrograde is when a planet is being dragged back to the sun? You need to keep an eye on all of them, looking out for lunar eclipses and any retrograde planets.


My job is like having eight plates, plus the sun and the moon, on sticks, spinning.


I also use this professional calendar of planetary aspects. S: Two planets at the same sign and degree. A conjunction is the strongest of all astrological aspects. A trine of 120 is fabulous – divine harmony. And if the angular distance between two planets is 90 degrees, that’s a square, which predicts obstacles. If a planet is out of bounds in declination – that’s to say, above or below 23 degrees – then it’s acting a bit rogue. Look – these are the planets, and these values here represent their distance from the earth’s equator at a given time. S: The planetary information comes from NASA, but every astrologer uses this book, it’s called an ephemeris, which is a table of the path of the planets by accurate scientific degree. P: How do you create your astrological charts? That’s why the millennials are so upset – their expectations were through the roof, and now it’s their parents who are paying their rent. People usually start reading me at 25, because that’s when you begin to encounter grown-up problems: you want to buy a house or have a baby you have to get a good job or get married and are looking for guidance. According to the Alexa web analytics site, 43 per cent have a college degree a further 44 per cent have a master’s. S: Astrology sites usually attract high-school dropouts, but my readers are very upscale. P: The technical nature of online stats and mobile platforms seems rather at odds with the mystery of the stars.

susan miller gemini astrology

But then I realised it’s because everyone’s started reading me on cell phones, and I don’t have those figures.

susan miller gemini astrology

We’re been hovering around 6 million uniques and 100 million clicks per month. S: Recently I’ve been wondering why my traffic hasn’t been building. The way I write, the readers will come back.” And of course, in five months I was up to a million page views. When I went to meet the webmaster of their Pathfinder site, I was told, “We’d like something short for women, every day,” and my response was, “No, it should be for men and women, and it should be every month. S: Five hundred when we launched in 1995! But you know, that was a condition of my contract with Time Warner. P: When I started editing a website in 2001, I was told nobody would read anything longer than 800 words. I have to stay up day and night to get them finished. This month I wasn’t done until the 25th, which was terrifying. I have to be done on the 20th of the month to get them edited and posted in time for the 1st. It takes me twice as long to write difficult news, since I have to really check that I’m right.

susan miller gemini astrology

S: It’s more that I don’t enjoy writing the hard aspects. P: Do you find some signs more difficult to write than others? Yes, I’m averaging a total of 42,000 to 48,000 words per month, but I never know how long each sign will take until I get under the hood. S: Oh, Leo, you’re having your good year. Your horoscope for my sign – I’m a Leo – ran to 3,385 words on Astrology Zone this month. P: I notice you’re a fan of long form in general. They have a very nice tea from 3 o’clock until 6, and editors rarely have to return to their desks, since all my interviews are long. It’s in my neighbourhood – I was born two blocks away in Lenox Hill Hospital on the Upper East Side – and it’s quiet. P: Do you always meet press here in The Carlyle hotel?

susan miller gemini astrology

You want to dress up for the artist out of respect, and if you go to a great restaurant, for the chef. I think that’s probably a New York thing – the opposite of going to the opera in jeans. If I could vacuum in a ballgown, I would. I mean, there’s a man who attends the astrology conferences in a pointy hat. Did you make a conscious decision to distance yourself from astrology’s hocus-pocus associations? Penny Martin: You’re a glamorous ambassador for what you do, Susan.

Susan miller gemini astrology